While attending the BIO 2022 and DIA 2022 conferences in June, it was clear to me that TRUST is still a key factor when running any rare disease project,” said Sara Tylosky, CEO Farmacon Global. “This is very true in specialized markets, and the Rare Diem (virtual) Conference’s goal is to align people to recognize the value of supporting rare diseases in emerging and niche markets. Let’s keep trust in focus as you join us for the Second Annual Rare Diem Conference on August 25th, providing exploration of and access to niche rare disease studies in Latin America, which represents over 660 million people and is a land of opportunity for clinical research.”
During the Rare Diem Conference experts from Latin America will share current information concerning public policy for rare disease and overcoming political obstacles in studies, plus intricacies of enrollment in Brazil, Columbia, Mexico and Peru, including resources for working with PAGs, accessing PI’s, and sophisticated sites with KOL connectivity.
Excellent panelist and speakers such as Camille Nebeker, Director of Research Ethics, UC San Diego will be present. “My research team explores the intersection of ethical practices with new and emerging digital technologies used in behavioral/biomedical health research,” commented Camille, who is a member of the American Association for the Advancement of Science Committee on Scientific Freedom and Responsibility and the World Health Organization’s Roster of Digital Health Experts.
Other panelists include Antoine Daher, Founder and President of Casa Hunter in Brazil, who has led in creating government policy on rare disease, positively affecting patients and families. Also hear Harsha Rajasimha, Founder and CEO of Jeeva Informatics Solutions, an eClinical cloud platform that enables Bio Technology, Pharma Sponsors and CRO’s to minimize regulatory risk and maximize compliance for faster recruitment and all phases of clinical trials’ management.
Farmacon Global and partner UC San Diego Extended Studies invite you to further your connections and expertise in rare disease opportunities by connecting with stakeholders including biopharma, the medical community, advocacy and government, as well as PAG representatives, each specialized in Latin America.
Attend the Second Annual Rare Diem Conference (seizing opportunities in rare disease), virtually, on August 25, 10 a.m. to 1 p.m.
For more information on Rare Diem and how to register,contact Sara Tylosky, CEO Farmacon Global or Carlos Martínez Villela 561-232-3441